Work with me

What if you could create and experience what is most important to you?

All of what you want takes place in TIME. 


When you use TIME to intentionally create the EXPERIENCES and RESULTS that you DESIRE, your life becomes incredibly potent.


Who would you be if you fully embodied the qualities and values that are most important to you?

How would your life be if you spent your most precious resources TIME & ENERGY creating and experiencing want you most want?


Hint: It will be fucking amazing!


I can help you get there.


Book a free 20 min Clarifying Session with me and learn how

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"Justine is an extraordinary coach. She is discerning and and she cuts through the story to get to the issues that are holding you back. She is caring and uses results oriented approaches to changing lifelong conditioning and habits in the most efficient way. She is my coach and I recommend Justine Halliday without reservation. "

Jennifer White-Baughan Ph.D
Clinical Psychologist

A year from now, you will wish you started today


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